AMP 100 Applied Ministry Project SP.M1
AMP 500 Applied Ministry Project SP.M1
BIB 110 Introduction to Biblical Languages and Tools SP.L1
CSL 530 Lifestyle & Career Development SP.L1.S2
COM 101 Rhetoric and Writing I SP.L1
COM 102 Rhetoric and Writing II SP.L1
COM 102 Rhetoric and Writing II SP.L2
COM 202 Introduction to Speech Communications SP.L1
CRIS 100 The Roots of a Christian Scholar SP.L1
CRIS 201 Global Learning and Service SP.L1
CSL 515 Counseling Methods & Techniques S1.L1
CSL 541 Ethics in Counseling SP.L1
EDU 200 Introduction to Education SP.L1
EDU 205 Educational Research and Psychology SP.L1
EDU 312 Discipline and Classroom Management SP.L1
EDU 406 EC-6th Science Instructional Methods SP.L1
EDU 412 Art Music Integration Methods SP.L1
EDU 413 Physical Education Methods SP.L1
EDU 420 Educational Technology SP.L1
EMS 101 Personal Evangelism SP.L1
EMS 525 Intercultural Communication SP.L1.S2
EMS 550 History and Theology of Missions SP.L1
ENG 090 Developmental English SP.L1
GRK 630 Greek Exegetical Syntax II SP.L1
HEB 630 Hebrew Exegetical Method II SP.L1
HUM 404 Faith and Culture SP.L1
MIN 203 Foundations of Global Christianity SP.L1
MIN 301 Encountering World Religions SP.L1
MIN 306 Missional Living and Witness SP.L1
MIN 333 Preaching from the NT Pauline Epistles SP.L1
MIN 402 Preaching from the Bible SP.L1
MIN 426 Topics in Christian Ministry Preaching James SP.L1
MIN 502 Delivery of Expository Sermons Preaching from the Bible SP.L1
MIN 505 Christian Leadership S1.L1
MIN 616 Principles of Teaching S1.L1
MIN 633 Preaching from the NT Pauline Epistles SP.L1
MIN 710 New Testament Introduction I SP.L1.S2
MIN 715 Ministry Practicum SP.L1
NT 550 New Testament Backgrounds SP.L1
NTS 101 New Testament Survey I SP.L1
NTS 101 New Testament Survey I SP.L2
NTS 310 New Testament Intensive SP.L1
NTS 380 A Theology of the New Testament SP.L1
NTS 501 New Testament Introduction I S1.L1
NTS 510 New Testament Intensive SP.L1
NTS 601 New Testament Introduction II SP.L1
NTS 602 New Testament Theology SP.L1
OTS 101 Old Testament Survey I Genesis-Esther SP.L1
OTS 101 Old Testament Survey I Genesis-Esther SP.L2
OTS 310 Old Testament Intensive Isaiah SP.L1
OTS 315 Topics in OT Studies Christ in the OT SP.L1
OTS 510 Old Testament Intensive Isaiah SP.L1
OTS 601 Old Testament Introduction II Job-Malachi SP.L1
OTS 602 Old Testament Theology SP.L1
OTS 715 Topics in OT Studies Christ in the OT SP.L1
PHI 201 Introduction to Philosophy SP.L1
PHI 304 History of Philosophy Modern Contemporary SP.L1
POL 203 Introduction to American Politics SP.L1
POL 303 International Relations SP.L1
POL 310 Political Economy of Development SP.L1
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology SP.L1
PSY 102 Dynamics of Marriage and Family SP.L1
PSY 305 Introduction to Neuroscience SP.L1
PSY 315 Experimental Psychology SP.L1
PSY 330 Abnormal Psychology SP.L1
PSY 407 Introduction to Clinical Psychology SP.L1
REA 314 Content Area Reading Instruction SP.L1
SCI 205 Physical Science SP.L1
STA 201 Introduction to Statistics SP.L1
THS 202 Baptist History and Distinctives SP.L1
THS 202 Baptist History and Distinctives SP.L2
THS 203 Systematic Theology I SP.L1
THS 204 Systematic Theology II SP.L1
THS 204 Systematic Theology II SP.L2
THS 512 Prolegomena and Trinitarianism SP.L1
THS 514 Anthropology, Hamartiology, and Soteriology S1.L1
THS 610 Theology of Leadership SP.L1
THS 665 Modern and Postmodern Theology SP.L1