Success in college requires planning out your semester and terms. You will want to know when classes start, payments are due, and exams and breaks are scheduled. Find the significant dates that impact your schedule in the Academic Calendar. Click here to download a printable PDF of the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
April 1 | SU-23/FA-24 registration begins |
May 23 |
Last day to enroll for SU-24 |
May 27 | Memorial Day* |
May 28 |
First day of classes |
May 30 |
Last day to drop courses |
June 19 |
Juneteenth* |
June 27 |
Last day to withdraw |
July 4 |
Independence Day* |
July 9 |
SP-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
July 18 |
Final exams |
July 25 |
Grades due to the Registrar |
September 17 |
SU-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
April 1 | FA-24 registration begins |
August 1 |
Undergraduate New Student Orientation |
August 1 |
Graduate New Student Orientation |
August 19 |
First day of classes |
August 19 |
Late registration begins |
August 22 | Late registration ends |
August 22 |
Last day to add courses |
August 29 | Last day to drop courses |
September 2 |
Labor Day* |
September 10 |
SU-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
October 14—18 |
Student Development Week |
October 24 |
Last day to withdraw |
November 1 |
Graduate Thesis Prospectuses due from instructors |
November 4 |
WI-24 registration begins |
November 4 |
SP-25 registration begins |
November 25—29 |
Fall break |
November 28—29 |
Thanksgiving Holiday* |
December 9 |
Last day of classes (Monday) |
December 10—13 |
Final exams |
December 12 |
SP-25 graduation application deadline |
December 18 |
Grades due to the Registrar |
December 23—26 |
Christmas Holiday* |
January 1 |
New Year’s Day observed* |
February 25 |
FA-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
November 4 |
WI-24/SP-25 registration begin |
December 12 |
Last day to enroll for WI-24 |
December 16 |
First day of classes |
December 23—27 |
Christmas Holiday* |
January 1 |
New Year’s Day* |
January 2 |
Last day to withdraw |
January 10 |
Final exams |
January 17 |
Grades due to the Registrar |
March 17 |
WI-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
November 4 | SP-25 registration begins |
January 15 |
Undergraduate New Student Orientation |
January 15 |
Graduate New Student Orientation |
January 20 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day* |
January 21 | First day of classes |
January 21 | Late registration begins |
January 23 | Late registration ends |
January 23 | Last day to add courses |
January 30 | Last day to drop courses |
February 25 | FA-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
March 17 |
WI-24 grades for incomplete coursework due |
March 17—21 |
Spring Break |
March 27 |
Last day to withdraw |
April 1 |
Graduate Thesis Prospectuses due from Instructors |
April 7 |
SU-25 registration begins |
April 7 |
FA-25 registration begins |
April 18 |
Good Friday* |
May 2 |
Grades for graduating students due to the Registrar |
May 12—16 |
Final exams |
May 16 |
Commencement Dress Rehearsal |
May 17 |
Commencement Ceremony |
May 23 |
Grades due to the Registrar |
July 23 |
SP-25 grades for incomplete coursework due |
April 7 | SU-25/FA-25 Registration begins |
May 26 |
Memorial Day* |
May 29 | Last day to enroll for SU-25 |
June 2 |
First day of classes |
June 5 |
Last day to drop courses |
June 19 |
Juneteenth* |
July 3 |
Last day to withdraw |
July 4 |
Independence Day* |
July 23 |
SP-25 grades for incomplete coursework due |
July 25 |
Final exams |
August 1 |
Grades due to the Registrar |
September 29 |
SU-25 grades for incomplete coursework due |