Scholarships Available
Criswell College understands how expensive higher education can be. Aside from financial aid,
Criswell offers many scholarship opportunities that may help alleviate the financial burden a unique education such as ours may cost.
Cultivators Scholarship
The Cultivators Scholarship is a general award for students who are seeking to understand diverse populations and develop purposeful relationships. This scholarship is open to new students who meet the criteria.
Peacemakers Scholarship
The Peacemakers Scholarship is a general award for students seeking to learn to pursue truth and righteousness through mercy and reconciliation. This scholarship is open to new students who meet the criteria.
Ambassadors Scholarship
The Ambassadors Scholarship is a general award to help students develop their ability to communicate effectively across diverse platforms, vocations, and contexts. This scholarship is open to new students who meet the criteria.
Timothy Scholarship
The Timothy Project Scholarship is a ministry-based scholarship for new undergraduate students. The recipient must be involved in either a paid or unpaid church ministry position, as well as meet other criteria.
Need help?
At Criswell, we believe tuition should be affordable. That’s why we are dedicated to
helping you find a solution for your next steps in education.
Talk to a Financial Aid Advisor