As God’s ambassador, learn to study the Bible thoroughly and communicate it effectively in a contemporary setting.
We believe it is important for those who will communicate the Bible’s message to do so with accuracy and truth for the benefit of the body of Christ. At Criswell you will study the Bible, theology, and the original languages with gifted scholars. Deepen your commitment to God through the spiritual formation offered in our Criswell community and watch as this grounding in Scripture becomes a continuing thread in your major, your profession, and your life.
COM 101 Rhetoric and Writing I
COM 102 Rhetoric and Writing II
COM 201 Intercultural Communication
CRIS 100 The Roots of a Christian Scholar
CRIS 201 Global Learning and Service
CRIS 202 Global Learning and Service Lab (non-credit)
CRIS 203 Local Learning and Service
HUM 101 Ancient World
HUM 201 Roman World
100-200 Social/Behavioral Science*
100-200 Social/Behavioral Science*
100-400 Mathematics*
100-400 Natural Science or Mathematics*
100-400 Open Elective
100-400 Open Elective
*Courses offered at Criswell College that will satisfy these requirements will be marked in the Academic Catalog course descriptions.
BIB 105 Hermeneutics
CRIS 300 Baptist Faith and Witness
HUM 404 Faith and Culture
NTS 101 New Testament Survey I
NTS 201 New Testament Survey II
OTS 101 Old Testament Survey I
OTS 201 Old Testament Survey II
THS 201 Church History
THS 203 Systematic Theology I
THS 204 Systematic Theology II
300 Bible/Theology Elective
GRK 306 Greek I
GRK 307 Greek II
HEB 301 Hebrew I
HEB 302 Hebrew II
NTS 315 Topics in New Testament Studies**
NTS 350 New Testament Backgrounds
NTS 380 Theology of the New Testament
OTS 315 Topics in Old Testament Studies**
OTS 350 Old Testament Backgrounds
OTS 380 Theology of the Old Testament
PHI 301 Ethics
THS 410 Theological Hermeneutics
One of the following:
EDU 301 Principles of Teaching
MIN 401 Teaching from the Bible
MIN 402 Preaching from the Bible
Two of the following:
NTS 310 New Testament Intensive**
OTS 310 Old Testament Intensive**
**Course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs.
Previous B.A. in Biblical Studies Program Maps
Getting my degree in Biblical Studies at Criswell enabled me to think critically and also equipped me for a lifetime of Bible study. However, the most rewarding part of my degree was the deepening of my relationship with Jesus.

Students who graduate with a B.A. in Biblical Studies are ready to:
- Preach
- Lead a youth ministry
- Serve in missions
- Lead a children’s ministry
- Serve in church leadership
- Work with religious organizations or non-profits
- Pursue further graduate studies
From 2018—2021, 100% of those who graduated with a B.A. in Biblical Studies are either employed or continuing their education.

Kevin R. Warstler
Associate Professor of Hebrew & Old Testament; Program Director of B.A. in Biblical Studies
B.A. in Biblical Studies
Why attend Criswell College? For professors like Dr. Warstler, a ministry-minded instructor whose goal is to pour into the lives of all of his students.