College Policies

Definition of Policies

Policies are guiding or governing principles formally approved to provide assistance in the conduct of College affairs. College policies often prescribe standards, requirements, restrictions, rights, or responsibilities and support the mission, values, and operation of the College. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, they are binding for College employees, students, and persons visiting or using the facilities or resources of the College.


Three Levels of Authority

1. Institutional Policies

The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for setting overall institutional policy for the College, which is to be carried out by the administration. Accordingly, all Institutional Policies must be approved by the Board. The Board of Trustees is also responsible for approving and revising the College’s Bylaws, which govern the affairs of the College.

2. Academic and Administrative Policies

Under the level of Institutional authority are specific Administrative and Academic policies that determine the day to day operations of staff, faculty, and students. Academic policies must be approved by the President and full-time faculty members of the College, and Administrative policies must be approved by the President.

3. Division and Department Procedures

Procedures (sometimes called “department policies”) may be established at the division and department levels. These policies and procedures are approved by vice presidents and must be in accord with the College’s Institutional, Academic, and Administrative policies.




Institutional Policies

Board of Trustees Policy on Policies

Academic Governance

Board Assessment Review

Conflict of Interest

Gender and Marriage



Presidential Assessment Review

Title IX

Whistleblower Protection

Administrative Policies

Administrative Policy on Policies

Academic Records


Alcohol and Drugs (Employees)


Campus Access

Campus Closure

Campus Events


Curricular Practical Training

Delinquent Accounts

Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Plan

Employee Affirmation of Belief

Employee Discipline

Employee Information Inquiries

Employee Responsibilities

Employment Practices

Employment Status


External Relationships

Faculty Employment

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial Aid Verification

General Student Complaints

Gift Acceptance

Identification Cards

Institutional Aid

Institutional Email

Intellectual Property Rights


Mental Health Crisis Intervention

Non-Resident Credit

Payment Plan

Personnel Records

Pet and Service Animals

Professional Standards and Workplace Expectations

Return to Title IV

Social Media


Staff Employment

Student Benevolence

Student Conduct

Student Discipline

Student Dress Code

Student Identity Verification

Student Ministry

Student Passwords

Students with Disabilities

Substantive Change

Tuition Exchange

Tuition Refund


Vehicle Registration

Veteran Benefits



Academic Policies

Academic Appeals

Academic Freedom

Academic Honesty

Academic Honors and Awards

Academic Program Assessment

Academic Program Completion

Academic Standing


Classroom Recording

Course-Sharing: Home Institution

Credit Hours

Dean’s List


Graduate Education

Institutional Review Board

Library Collection Development

Writing Styles

Criswell College admits students who are Christians of good character, without regard or reference to race, national or ethnic origin, color, age, disability, or sex (except where regard to sex is required by the College’s religious tenets regarding gender and sexuality) to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of these classifications in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs.