AMP 100 Applied Ministry Project FA.M1
AMP 500 Applied Ministry Project FA.M1
COM 101 Rhetoric and Writing I FA.L1
COM 101 Rhetoric and Writing I FA.L2
COM 102 Rhetoric and Writing II FA.L1
COM 201 Intercultural Communication FA.L1
COM 202 Introduction to Speech Communications FA.L1
COM 601 Intercultural Communication FA.L1
CPR 415 Church Planting, Revitalization Practicum 1 FA.L1
CRIS 100 Roots of a Christian Scholar FA.CT1
CRIS 201 Global Learning and Service FA.L1
CRIS 203 Local Learning and Service FA.L1
CSL 611 Abnormal Human Behavior FA.L1
CSL 615 Group Counseling FA.L1
CSL 701 Counseling Practicum I FA.L1
ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics FA.L1
EDU 301 Principles of Teaching FA.L1
EDU 308 Early Childhood Syllabus FA.L1
EDU 313 Special Pops Syllabus FA.L1
EDU 315 EC-6th Math Instructional Methods FA.L1
HEB 620 Hebrew Exegetical Method I FA.L1
MIN 201 Principles of Biblical Communication FA.L1
MIN 203 Foundations of Global Christianity FA.L1
MIN 204 Leadership in a Global Context FA.L1
MIN 303 Educational Foundations of Christian Ministry FA.L1
MIN 305 Church Planting and Revitalization FA.L1
MIN 331 Preaching from the Old Testament.Psalms FA.L1
MIN 426 Topics in Christian Ministry.Islam and Christian Engagement FA.L1
MIN 503 Personal Evangelism FA.L1
MIN 505 Christian Leadership FA.L1
MIN 612 Organizational Management FA.L1
MIN 614 Educational Ministry in the Church FA.L1
MIN 621 History and Theology of Missings FA.L1
MIN 681 Financial Leadership and Marketing FA.L1
MIN 701 Preparation of Expository Sermons FA.L1
NTS 101 New Testament Survey I FA.L1
NTS 201 New Testament Survey II FA.L1
NTS 310 New Testament Intensive.Mark FA.L1
NTS 315 Topics in New Testament Studies.The Marginalized in the New Testament FA.L1
NTS 501 New Testament Introduction I FA.L1
NTS 502 New Testament Introduction II FA.L1
NTS 510 New Testament Intensive.Mark FA.L1
NTS 602 New Testament Theology FA.L1
OTS 101 Old Testament Survey I FA.L1
OTS 201 Old Testament Survey II.Job-Malachi FA.L1
OTS 310 Old Testament Intensive.Proverbs FA.L1
OTS 350 Old Testament Backgrounds FA.L1
OTS 380 Theology of the Old Testsment FA.L1
OTS 502 Old Testament Introduction II.Job-Malachi FA.L1
OTS 510 Old Testament Intensive.Proverbs FA.L1
OTS 602 Old Testament Theology FA.L1
PHI 201 Introduction to Philosophy FA.L1
PHI 303 History of Philosophy.Ancient to Medieval FA.L1
POL 202 State and Local Government FA.L1
PSY 202 Multicultural Perspectives FA.L1
PSY 205 History of Psychology FA.L1
PSY 210 Theories of Personality FA.L1
PSY 320 Social Psychology FA.L1
PSY 340 Developmental Psychology FA.L1
PSY 410 Integration of Psychology and Theology FA.L1
REA 312 Foundations of Reading FA.L1
RES 501 Research in Theological and Biblical Studies FA.L1
THS 203 Systematic Theology I FA.L1
THS 203 Systematic Theology I FA.L2
THS 421 Theology Intensive.Early Christian Faith and Practice in the Apostolic Fathers FA.L1
THS 514 Anthropology, Harmartiology, and Soteriology FA.L1
THS 550 Theology Intensive.Early Christian Faith and Practice in the Apostolic Fathers FA.L1
THS 660 Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Theology FA.L1
THS 665 Modern and Postmodern Theology FA.L1