Shaped by Scripture, sent to lead.
We live in an increasingly complex world. As a Christian leader you need to know how to apply theological truth to a variety of challenges and settings. Through an integration of core biblical principles with training in leadership, administration, and conflict management you will be prepared for effective Christian leadership, whether in ministry or in the marketplace.
Biblical Studies (3 hours)
BIB 505 Biblical Hermeneutics
Ministerial Studies (27 hours)
CSL 540 Conflict Management
MIN 503 Personal Evangelism
MIN 612 Organizational Management
MIN 614 Educational Ministry in the Church
MIN 618 Financial Leadership and Marketing
MIN 715 Ministry Practicum
Theological and Philosophical Studies (9 hours)
PHI 620 Christian Ethics
THS 660 Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Theology
THS 665 Modern and Postmodern Theology
Two of the following:
COM 601 Intercultural Communication
MIN 621 History and Theology of Missions
MIN 623 World Religions
One of the following:
MIN 610 Topics in Ministry
MIN 625 Topics in Leadership
Pastoral Formation (3 hours)
MIN 505 Christian Leadership
Previous M.A. in Christian Leadership Program Map
The best Bible education anyone could ever hope to get. I treasured every moment I spent there.
Graduates with a M.A. in Christian Leadership are prepared to step into the following roles:
- Educational ministry
- Administrative ministry
- Missionary work
- Non-profit work
- Promotions to management roles in current jobs
From 2018—2021, 100% of those who graduated with a M.A. in Christian Leadership are either employed or continuing their education.
Jeffery Campbell
Associate Professor of Preaching; Program Director for the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL); W. A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching