2011 Ph.D. (New Testament), University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (UK); Supervisor: Drs. William S. Campbell (1st) and Kathy Ehrensperger (2nd); Dissertation Topic: “The Lord’s Supper as an Anti-Imperial Praxis: An Analysis of Christian Meals in the Context of First-Century Roman Domination.”
1982 Ph.D. (Pastoral Theology), California Graduate School of Theology; Supervisor: Dr. I. D. E. Thomas; Dissertation Topic: “The Public Invitation: Its Nature, Biblical Validity and Practicability.”
“Angels,” “Cross of Christ,” and “Death and the Afterlife” in the NET Study Bible. David Dockery, General Editor. Nashville: Thomas Nelson (forthcoming 2023).
Songs of Resistance: Challenging Caesar and Empire. Eugene, OR: Cascade (forthcoming 2022).
“The Work of Christ,” in A Theological Handbook for the People of God, David Dockery, editor. Nashville: Broadman Academic (forthcoming 2022).
“The Birth of Jesus,” in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels, Craig A. Evans, editor. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2021.
“Commentary on Second Peter and Jude,” in Commentary on Social Identity in the New Testament. Brian Tucker and Aaron Keucker, editors. London: T & T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2020.
“Baptism as a Politically Subversive Act,” Bible and Interpretation. University of Arizona, 2019.
Review: Raised on Christian Milk: Food and the Formation of the Soul in Early Christianity. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Vol. 81, No. 1 (November 2019).
Caesar and the Sacrament: Baptism as a Ritual of Resistance. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses,” “Mormonism,” “Christian Science,” in The Worldview Study Bible, David Dockery, General Editor. Nashville: Holman, 2018.
“A Place at the Table” (Peer Evaluator), Pretoria: New Testament Society of South Africa, 2018. (2018).
“Oneness Pentecostalism,” “Ouija Board,” “Transcendental Meditation,” “Yin, Yang,” “Martial Arts,” in The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions, Wayne House, editor. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2018.
Subversive Meals: Eating the Lord’s Supper under Roman Domination during the First Century. Cambridge: Lutterworth/James Clark (UK edition), 2017.
“Edward John Carnell,” in Evangelical America: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Religious Cultures, Timothy Demy and Paul R. Shockley, editors. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood (2017).
“The Place of Apologetics in Theological Education”in Theology, Church, and Ministry: A Handbook for Theological Education, David Dockery, editor. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2017.
“Food in the Bible,” in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics, Robert L. Brawley, General Editor London: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Heaven on Earth. Experiencing the Kingdom of God—Here and Now (Russian edition). Saint Petersburg, Russia: BNCCOH, 2015.
“Agapé Feasts in Second Peter as a Means of Forming Christian Social Identity,” in The T&T Clark Handbook of Social Identity and the New Testament, Brian Tucker and Coleman Baker, editors. London: T&T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2014.
“A Kingdom Solution to the SBC Decline in Membership,” SBC Today, June 9, 2014.
Heaven on Earth. Experiencing the Kingdom of God—Here and Now. Eugene, OR: Harvest House 2013.
Subversive Meals: Eating the Lord’s Supper under Roman Domination during the First Century, Pickwick (2013).
“Applying the Word.”ChristianityToday.com, 2012. Deals with the effective use of the sermon’s conclusion in the applying the text to the audience.
“What is the Christian Identity Movement?” in If God Made the Universe Who Made God?—103 Arguments for Christian Faith. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2012.
“Charles E. Fuller,” “Kathryn Kulhman,” “Rueben A. Torrey,” “Demos Shakarian,” “Dennis Bennett,” “Oral Roberts,” “W. A. Criswell,” “Peter Marshall,” “Aimee Semple McPherson,” “Church of New Jerusalem,” “Snake Handling,” and “Emmanuel Swedenborg,” in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization, 4 Vols. George Kurian, editor. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2011.
“The Altar Call and Calvinism” in Whosoever Will: A Biblical and Theological Critique of John 3:16. David Allen and Steve Lemke, editors. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2010.
“Snake Handling and Mark 16:18: Primitive Christianity or Indigenous American Religion?” CTR, Vol 8, No 1 (Fall 2010).
“An Interview with Herbert Benson,” (Associate Professor of Harvard Medical School and best-selling author), CTR, Vol 8, No. 1 (Fall 2010).
“An Interview with Gary Elkins,” (Professor of Psychology and Director of Mind-Body Research Institute at Baylor University), CTR, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring 2010).
“Twisted Scriptures” (60 entries) in The Apologetics Study Bible, Ray Clendenen and Ted Cabal, editors. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2008. I wrote the entire commentary for this major Study Bible. Each entry is set off as a shadowed display box within the body of the text, and deals with the key verses that cults twist to fit their errant theology.
The Effective Invitation (revised and updated). Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
“The Emergent Church: An Interview with Brian McLaren,” CTR, 3:2 (Spring, 2006).
“The New Perspective on Paul: An Interview with N. T. Wright,” CTR, 2:2 (Spring, 2005).
“The New Perspective on Paul: An Interview with Martin Hengel,” CTR, 2:2 (Spring, 2005).
“Open Theism: An Interview with Darrell Bock,” CTR, 1:2 (Spring 2004).
“Open Theism: An Interview with Norm Geisler,” CTR, 1:2 (Spring 2004).
“Gospel of John, First and Second Corinthians, First Peter, Revelation,” The Legacy Project, 1998-2004. I edited sermons of the late W. A. Criswell in preparation for publication.
“The Kingdom of God and American Individualism,” Journal of Theology and Ministry, October 2003.
How Do You Plead? Wheaton, IL: Good News/Crossway, 2002.
The Effective Invitation. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1995.
“Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses?” Minneapolis: Grason, 1989
“Jehovah’s Witnesses,” “Mormormism,” and “Christian Science” in Lifestyle Witnessing. Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1988.
La Invitacion Eficaz. San Antonio: Casa Bautista, 1987 (Spanish edition of The Effective Invitation).
The Effective Invitation. Ol Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1984.
“Unlocking the Secret of the Occult.” The Young Salvationist, October 1984.
“How to Spot a Cult” (part 2). War Cry. 104, No. 38, 1984.
“How to Spot a Cult” (part 1). War Cry. 104, No. 37, 1984.
“How to Spot a False Cult.” Christian Life Magazine, March 1984.
“Treasures on Earth: A Look at the Gospel of Prosperity” The Shophar. 7, No. 2, Summer 1983.
Panorama of Baltimore: A historical analysis of Baltimore’s religious roots. Baltimore: Billy Graham Association, 1982. Commissioned by Billy Graham in preparation for his Greater Baltimore Evangelistic Crusade
National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
Theta Alpha Kappa
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